Board of Trustees:
Our ONLY line of defense
The SBISD Board of Trustees is the ONLY thing standing between the voters and this threat to our governance. The Board of Trustees:
Controls the selection of our legal defense team,
Decides how much money the district will spend on legal defense, and
Has the sole power to change our voting structure.
The board may feel pressure from this lawsuit to convert SBISD to Single-Member District elections. This change would disenfranchise every voter in SBISD and dramatically decrease the representation each voter has on the Board.
Our current election process has been in place for over 70 years and as a result, SBISD remains a world-class public school district. Please let the trustees know you want NO CHANGE to the way we elect them!
SBISD Board of Trustees
Josef D. Klam
Trustee, Position 1
Twitter: @josefklam
(Josef hasn't yet commented publicly on the issue)

Chris Gonzalez
Trustee, Position 2
Twitter: @GonzalChris
(Chris hasn't yet commented publicly on the issue)

Minda Caesar
Trustee, Position 3
Twitter: @mmcaesar
(Minda hasn't yet commented publicly on the issue)

Chris Earnest
Trustee, Position 4
Twitter: @chris_earnest21
"I strongly oppose the adoption of single-member districts (SMDs), in any form, within Spring Branch ISD. Adoption of SMDs would fracture and divide our district permanently.
I have sought the counsel and opinion of other trustees across the state, current and former members of the state board of education, and attorneys who unanimously describe the inevitable outcome of SMDs as tribal and territorial leading to infighting, division, and inefficiency. We now, more than ever, need our collective spirit and collective greatness to continue to provide an amazing education to ALL children in our district.
I look forward to being a part of a vigorous defense of our great district and appreciate your support."

Lisa Alpe
Trustee, Position 5
Twitter: @lisaalpe4sbisd
Link to update: May 9, 2022
“SBISD voters have spoken very loud and clear about the direction they want the Board to take regarding the lawsuit filed by Virginia Elizondo and Barry Abrams; our community knows that At-Large elections are best for the children of this district because all seven trustees work for the best interests of our children’s education.
Single member districts, responsible for the lowest performing districts in the state, are not the best solution for SBISD and I will vigorously defend our district in this lawsuit. I have been steadfast and transparent in my position that I will fight this lawsuit in district court and any appellate court, if necessary.
I will work closely with our attorneys to ensure we are employing the smartest legal strategy and will always advocate for what is best for student outcomes.”

John Perez
Trustee, Position 6
Twitter: @Perez4SBISD
Link to update: May 9, 2022
"I have and will continue to fight to keep SBISD an at-large district.
The excellence within our schools came about through the at-large structure. Our district’s track record of governance does not support a move away from an at-large structure. Adopting a single-member or even a hybrid structure makes our district, our students, and our families vulnerable to policy and infrastructure stagnation.
Think how hard it would be for us to push anything through if Trustees were only focused on “their” schools. The unintended, but very real, consequences and pitfalls of SMDs can be observed in a neighboring SMD district who struggles to provide comprehensive and effective instruction to its students.
Our district is small in comparison to other urban districts across the state and city, which warrants additional caution against efforts to divide our district’s ability to govern and manage already-constrained funds for the greater good and whole of SBISD.
Lastly, we must remain vigilant to political agendas driving SBISD away from an at-large structure with gerrymandered sub-districts serving partisan interests. Why would we reduce and limit the talent pool for each Board of Trustee seat?
Excellence has no geographic, ethnic or gender boundaries – and I believe I uniquely proved this point on Election Day.
Again, I will oppose every effort today and tomorrow to change SBISD from an at-large district."

Caroline Bennett
Trustee, Position 7
Twitter: @CHBennettSBISD7
Link to update: May 10, 2022
"I have always been and remain 100% supportive of defending SBISD’s at-large voting system and will do everything in my power to fight it. I believe that is the best future for all children in SBISD. I will not stand for a Single Member District or any form of a hybrid system.
This past election proves where we stand as a district regarding the current lawsuit. Voters came out in record breaking numbers to vote for candidates that have been vocal about vigorously fighting our at-large governance.
I would hate to see SBISD, our home, torn apart by the manipulation of single member district boundaries leading to the possibility of predetermination of elections, providing a straight path for radically charged agendas to make their way into our schools, and create division within our district making it nearly impossible to set common goals and accomplish them.
I stand firm for keeping SBISD an at-large system by defending the lawsuit filed by Virginia Elizondo and Barry Abrams."