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Trustee Chris Earnest opposes SMD conversion

Writer's picture: Save SBISDSave SBISD

Chris Earnest strongly opposes the adoption of single-member districts for SBISD, according to a post on his official Facebook page.

Mr. Earnest issued the following unequivocal statement this morning:

"Turnout at our special meeting on Monday was impressive for relatively short notice in late July. I am encouraged by the passion demonstrated by our community on behalf of the children of our district. Since the meeting, I have been asked many times what my position is on the lawsuit.
I strongly oppose the adoption of single-member districts (SMDs), in any form, within Spring Branch ISD. Adoption of SMDs would fracture and divide our district permanently.
I have sought the counsel and opinion of other trustees across the state, current and former members of the state board of education, and attorneys who unanimously describe the inevitable outcome of SMDs as tribal and territorial leading to infighting, division, and inefficiency. We now, more than ever, need our collective spirit and collective greatness to continue to provide an amazing education to ALL children in our district.
I look forward to being a part of a vigorous defense of our great district and appreciate your support."

Monday's meeting featured public comments from citizens on both sides of the issue. More speakers supported the current at-large system than supported conversion to single-member districts. The crowd, numbering in the hundreds, was firmly on the side of the at-large system, judging by the level of applause for speakers supporting at-large elections.

Save SBISD is very pleased to see the first Trustee go firmly on the record with their position on the matter. The Board of Trustees has the sole power to change our voting structure to SMD, and it would take four votes to do so. With his statement this morning, Mr. Earnest has made it clear he will not be a part of any faction voting to change our election procedures.

Chris Earnest deserves our warmest thanks and strongest support for his position opposing a change from our current system. He is fighting to prevent disenfranchisement of every voter in SBISD, and it is our duty to help him any way we can.

Save SBISD asked Mr. Earnest if he wanted to make any additional comment to our readers. He said:

Thank you for the encouragement and support. I am so grateful for the community’s engagement. This will be a long process so stay focused and energized. Please support, encourage and volunteer to help teachers and administrators across the entire district in the coming weeks as they launch a strong start to the 2021-22 school year for our students.

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